Little Antonis wore the blue muzzle and sent a loud message (photo)

IMG d7ff394ec0947d94b3b363598b9cd692 V choose hope, MESSAGE, Mikros Antonis, blue mitoula

Little Antonis wore the blue muzzle and sends his own message. "Let us all help to keep the children's hopes high", is the message sent by little Antonis, who returned a few days ago victorious from the long trip to Boston, where he received gene therapy.

The little hero wore the blue muzzle to send the message "CHOOSE HOPE". The purpose of the campaign is to inform the public about the areas of activity of the Organization that focus on the protection of children's rights and to financially support its actions. The central element of the campaign remains for another year, the blue muzzles that symbolize hope and sensitivity to children.

Source: dailystarscyprus