Self Test: What it means when the faint line appears

The use of the self test has become a daily occurrence since many citizens obtained them either from the free distribution program or even from the private market.

8c4dd9c2d1847803823f97a21e1b1aa6 14 Covid-19, SELF TEST, sampling, pandemic

The use of self-tests has become a daily occurrence since many citizens obtained them either from the free distribution program or even from a private purchase from pharmacies. 

Too often many people report that the resulting line is too faint and barely visible. This basically means the presence of the coronavirus in the body. Positive lateral flow tests can show an overly faint line, something that some people mistakenly perceive as a negative result.

In fact, the faint line usually appears in the first days of the virus in the body and when the viral load is low. In some it remains faint even after several tests, while in others after the repetition of the test the line usually becomes more pronounced which indicates that the viral load has increased.

This is the correct interpretation of the self test results

POSITIVE: Two red lines appear. A red line appears in the control area (C) and a line in the test area (T). Positive even if the second line is faint.

NEGATIVE: Only one red line appears in the control area (C) and no line in the test area (T).

CANCEL: No red line appears in the control area (C). The test is invalid, even if there is a line in the test area (T). Possible reasons for failure are insufficient sample size or incorrect procedural techniques. Test the test procedure and repeat the test using a new test device.
