It is one of the greatest holidays of Christianity. The Epiphany is the third consecutive celebration of the twelve days around the change of time, starting of course from Christmas. On January 6 of each year, Christianity celebrates the baptism of Jesus by St. John the Baptist. The festival is also called "Lights".
The name of the feast derives from the revelation of the three persons of the Holy Trinity, which took place during the baptism of Jesus. When Jesus was 30 years old, he was baptized in the Jordan River. There John the Baptist, who was six months older, practiced in the wilderness and preached the baptism of repentance.
When Jesus went to be baptized, John was stunned at the moment and at the moment of Baptism, the Holy Spirit appeared in heaven in the form of a dove. At that moment a voice was heard saying, "This is the Son of God, the beloved, through whom God has backed the sinners." According to the Scriptures, this was the first and only appearance of the Holy Trinity on Earth.
The establishment of the celebration of the Epiphany on January 6 is not known with certainty. Clement of Alexandria mentions that some heretical Gnostics celebrated as early as the 2nd century AD. the Baptism of Jesus on the 6th or according to others on the 10th of January.
John Chrysostom admits and describes the feast as an ancient festival in Antioch the Great and that from there the Gnostics received it. During the fourth century, the feast of the Epiphanies is now celebrated with brilliance throughout the Church as a feast of the enlightenment of humanity through Holy Baptism, hence the name "The Lights", a feast of the "Lights".