VIDEO: What are rape drugs: "It can even lead to death"

On the one hand there are drugs for sexual exploitation and on the other is Chemsex

CCC89213 4B39 47D7 8F30 CA2D0604A1D6 rape, THESSALONIKI, Drugs

Plague appears to be the "sex" drug, according to a survey conducted in Cyprus.

At noon and something, the President of the Cyprus Addiction Authority, Dr. Christos Mina, was hosted, who provided data and figures on their use in Cyprus.

He initially explained that on the one hand there are drugs for sexual exploitation such as the incident with the 24-year-old in Thessaloniki, and on the other is Chemsex.

"Chemsex is the use of addictive substances before or during sex to improve sexual performance and pleasure. This behavior increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections and the development of drug dependence.

"This is different from drugs and sexual abuse, which is the use of drugs or other substances in order for the victim to be weak or faint and unable to protect himself," explained Dr. Mina.

He went on to say that in 2019 a survey was conducted on chemsex and the use of addictive substances in the population of LGBTQI.

Specifically, he stated that the research on the use of addictive substances among the population LOATKI + and in particular for 'ChemSex' was announced by the Cyprus Addiction Treatment Authority (AAEK) and was implemented in the year 2019-2020 by the Movement for Support for AIDS (AIDS). collaboration with the Association of HIV-positive people of Greece "Positive Voice" (THF).

Research results:

The percentage of people who participated in the study and stated that they had been involved with chemsex at least once in their lifetime was 19,9% ​​(127 people).

The most commonly used substances are cannabis with 40,2% (257 people) and poppers, 35,5% (227 people). Of the other substances, the most common use is cocaine (20,7%), as well as the crystalline pethethamphetamine (16,7%).

People who are involved in chemsex have more sexual partners in the last year than those who are not involved
He later referred to drugs used for sexual exploitation, explaining why they are so dangerous and why they are not perceived.

"Date rape drugs" can make people physically weak or faint. This is why they are used by people who want to rape someone - because they leave people unable to protect themselves.

Many of these drugs have no color, smell or taste and people often do not realize they have taken something. Many times people who have been sedated (usually girls or women, but not always) are unable to remember what happened to them.

The main substances that have been documented for their use for such purposes include Rohypnol® (flunitrazepam), GHB (gamma hydroxybutryic acid) and ketamine.

1. The Rohypnol is benzodiazepine and is chemically similar to drugs such as Valium or Xanax.

It has no taste or smell and is sometimes colorless when dissolved in a beverage.

- People who take it may feel very drowsy and confused and forget what happens after the onset of its effects.

- It can also cause weakness and difficulty in breathing and can make it difficult for those who have taken it to move their body.

2. The GHB is a central nervous system depressant and is prescribed in some countries for the treatment of narcolepsy (sleep disorder).

- It is a tasteless, odorless medicine that can be powdered or liquid. It is colorless when dissolved in a beverage.

Mixing it with alcohol exacerbates these effects.

- May cause vomiting in a person- may also slow down his heart rate and make it difficult to breathe.

- In high doses, it can lead to coma or death.

3. OR ketamine is a separating anesthetic. This means that it distorts the perception of sight and sound and makes the person feel cut off from the environment and himself. It also reduces pain and overall feeling.

- It is a tasteless, odorless medicine that can be powdered or liquid.

- It can cause hallucinations and make people feel completely out of self.

- It can also increase heart rate, raise blood pressure and cause nausea.

In closing, Dr. Mina sent his own message saying that no human being needs insatiable substances to enjoy love and affection.