From January new trilateral with Jordan, Israel and Lebanon

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New trilateral conferences will be held in January in Nicosia with Israel and Jordan, as confirmed by government sources in KYPE, following a relevant article in the newspaper "O Fileleftheros".

The same sources stated in KYPE that consultations with Lebanon are at an advanced stage in order to organize a tripartite conference Greece - Cyprus - Lebanon, but no date has been set yet, due to recent developments in the country.
Specifically, in the first ten days of January, a tripartite meeting of Cyprus - Greece - Israel will take place in Nicosia, while in the second ten days of January, a tripartite meeting of Cyprus - Greece - Jordan will also take place in Nicosia.
The conferences will focus on regional developments, energy issues, including the East Med pipeline, the EU's role in the region, and countries' relations.

Source: KYPE


Source: RIK News