The recipe for the most incredible που soup ever made

Car, soup

It bears the signature of the crazy guys and has as its main ingredient a strange material

Now that the cold has hit and many have been infected with viruses, a soup is all that is needed. You may have read endless recipes for super nutritious soups that stimulate the body, but like the one shown to us by the "comrades" from Russia, you have never seen. No, this is not the famous "borscht" beetroot soup, nor the cold "okroska" soup.

This recipe is unique and bears the signature of the crazy types of Garage 54. Here, the main ingredient is neither meat, nor fish, nor vegetables, but a car. An honored and proud Lada that boils in 10 tons of water in a specially designed cauldron!

Once the water boils the Lada is immersed in the cauldron and stays there for at least six hours. The cooks then add salt, pepper, spices as well as noodles to flavor the soup.

A few hours later this delectable dish is ready for consumption (as the saying goes). The smell, according to its creators, is no different from a normal one soup. The question that arises in this case is whether the main ingredient of the soup (Lada) is well cooked, is soft and has a nice taste. The only thing for sure is that it is clearly cleaner than before it is put in the big cauldron for boiling…