These 3 zodiac signs eat horn more often than all

At least we read this in an article by, which tries to explain why these three zodiac signs have this negative first, analyzing some elements that characterize each zodiac sign and is probably the reason why these zodiac signs, unwittingly, push their partners in infidelity.


Due to the intense emotionality, the frequent changes of his mood and the caution-introversion, a Cancer -without of course wanting it- can push his / her partner into infidelity. But the most important mistake he can make is overprotection. He usually leaves a little room for his partner, at the beginning of the relationship, to pursue his interests or to be with his friends, but he slowly clings to him, to the point of discomfort, since if he is not together 24 hours a day , feels lonely, alone or abandoned.


Virgo is very methodical and logical, but she is often trapped in the details and practical issues of the relationship, neglecting her emotional part. Planning for work, shopping or a vacation together is important, but not as important as a hug, a caress or a good chat. Also, from time to time, due to her perfectionism, she is possessed by various insecurities and finds it difficult to accept that she is beautiful or worthy of love. Because, in fact, she insists on listing them to her partner, she does not really want to start looking elsewhere for another person who is more relaxed and confident about himself.


Aquarius is not known to be the most emotionally warm person. Of course, this does not mean that he is bad, simply, everything goes through his head and he brings out a coldness as a defense, in order not to bond too much with another person. There are many cases where he has been accused of being cold and indifferent or that he does not care about the problems or needs of each partner. Since he is more concerned with the social issues or issues of his friends, his partner most of the time feels that he "stays out". That is when he will start looking for attention and love elsewhere.