See which zodiac signs to pay close attention to on the two days of May 30 & 31


In general, this position of Mercury is favorable for all the zodiac signs, since it pronounces spiritual alertness, but also comfort of expression of speech, a fact that will benefit our daily life in various ways. 

What happens on the two days 30 & 31/5 - Who should be careful

And according to, the two days of May 30-31, 2019 need attention to exaggeration and enthusiasm, characteristics that will cause dilemmas, divisions, confusions and confusions.

We will need to pay attention to deceptions, carelessness, transportation problems or even a means of transportation! In our interpersonal contacts it is good to keep in mind that big words and big promises will not be easily kept!

The signs of the variable cross are affected (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) of the 2nd decade, as well as those who have personal planets close to the 18th degree of the above signs.