The Full Moon on September 14 will affect everyone and especially 4 zodiac signs


As we read in on the 14th of the month the Moon will "fill" and will shine with all its power from the sign of Pisces. Opposite it, it will have the Sun, but also Mars, Mercury and Venus (the last 2 are preparing to say goodbye to Virgo and move to Libra)

The feeling softens, the instinct (our 6th sense) comes to life and we become softer, more receptive and we absorb the vibrations from our surroundings, like sponges. Nice, sweet, soft Moon, which makes us compassionate. Nice and legitimate, but with Poseidon next to the Moon, we risk turning into μετα sweetest victims!

Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio and Cancer, you will be greatly affected by this Full Moon - and no - I do not mean that you will be negatively affected. Yes, you will become a little more sensitive and a couple of things that you used to let fall to the floor, now you will not do. Do not imagine that you will experience any drama, but maybe at the end of the day this hyper-sensitivity will be your issue and no one else's! (indirectly but clearly, I tell you…. Peel off!).

Aries, take care of your health a little and if you feel that you are in an emotional storm, do not be scared. I agree that this sweet Moon brings a lot to the surface, but fortunately, it will come and go.

Taurus, attention to a person near you: he will need your help (not to mention that you will be the one to run to offer it).

Gemini, a person you hold in high esteem, you will see it "break". Offer your help and in return, do not wait.

My Lions, secrets and lies will come to the surface, but with the help of Virgo, you will put things in their place.

My Libra, someone will want to blur the waters in your work or everyday life. Get over the joke or lie with grace.

My archers, someone from your family environment is lying! If not, then you urgently need your help.

My Capricorns, some things will reach your ears that will not stand. Do not pay attention. With the help of Virgo you will clear everything up.

Aquarius, take a look at your finances. It's a good thing to help others and not count the money, but charity starts in our home (that is, ourselves!).