Mold and dampness in the house: 5 effective ways to get rid of it once and for all

Humidity: This is a very serious problem that housewives face every day at home.

5 3 2 solutions, Home, humidity

Humidity: This is a serious problem that housewives face every day at home. In case you also have issues with humidity, you should read the solutions below. In more detail:

Bicarbonate of soda to eliminate moisture

Known for its whitening, deodorant and antibacterial properties, bicarbonate of soda is one of the best products to combat moisture in the home. Its absorbent compounds help eliminate mold and also neutralize odors and stains on walls.

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons bicarbonate of soda (30 g). 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide (20 ml).
- Instructions for preparation: Pour the sodium bicarbonate into a container and then mix it with the hydrogen peroxide.
- How to use it: Apply the resulting mixture on wet areas and scrub them with a brush to remove stains. Repeat the procedure at least 2 or 3 times a week.

5 solutions, Home, humidity

Sea salt

Due to its absorbent capacity, sea salt is ideal for eliminating moisture that usually affects indoor spaces. Its compounds disinfect, fight odors and reduce the formation of mold stains.

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons sea salt (30 gr.). 5 drops of lavender oil.

- Preparation instructions: Pour the sea salt in small bags or small plates and add lavender oil.

- How to use: Place bags or saucers indoors, such as cupboards. Leave the media for 2 or 3 weeks and then replace them with new ones.

Borax to eliminate moisture

Borax is a cleaning product that has begun to gain great popularity in recent years. It is less aggressive than bleach and, thanks to its antifungal properties, is effective in removing mold that accumulates on walls and joints in the home. - Ingredients: 1 tablespoon borax (10 g). 5 cups water (1.250 ml).
- Preparation instructions: Put on gloves before using borax and then dilute it in cups of water.
How to use: Spray the mixture on the areas you want to clean, leave it on for 30 or 40 minutes and remove any excess with an absorbent cloth. Repeat at least once a week.

5 1 solutions, Home, humidity

White vinegar

White vinegar is a versatile, ecological and antibacterial product that can be used for many tasks at home. Its natural acids help stop the growth of mold on the wall and also neutralize the unpleasant smell of moisture. It can be used in bathtubs, tiles, toilets and many other areas that collect moisture.

Ingredients: άνι cup white vinegar (125 ml). . Cup of water (62 ml).

- Instructions for preparation: Dilute the white vinegar in water and store the solution in a spray bottle.

- How to use: Shake the solution before use and spray on damp areas of the house. Allow the surfaces to air dry or remove any excess with a cloth. If the stains are hard and painful, apply the vinegar insoluble. Use it as part of your general cleaning, at least 3 times a week.

Tea tree oil to eliminate moisture

Tea tree oil is a natural cleansing solution, not only because it kills bacteria, but because it slows down the growth of mold, while helping to protect surfaces. It is ideal for cleaning areas that have been affected by moisture in the house, such as the bathroom, although it can also be used for cabinets, windows and doors.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons tea tree oil (30 g). 1 cup water (250 ml).

- Instructions for preparation: Dilute the oil in a cup of water. Place the mixture in a spray bottle for easier use.

- How to use: Spray the solution on tiles, bathtubs and other damp areas. Leave it on for a few minutes and remove any excess with a sponge or cloth. Repeat 2 or 3 times a week.

5 2 solutions, Home, humidity
