Grandma's effective trick to eliminate cockroaches from your home without insecticides

There is no worse nightmare than cockroaches in the house, but the following four ways promise to make them disappear.

to apotelesmatiko kolpo tis giagias gia na exafanisete tis katsarides apo to spiti sas choris entomoktona cockroaches, COCKROACHES TREATMENT, COCKROACHES AT HOME

There is no worse nightmare than the cockroaches at home, but the following four ways promise to make them disappear.

Cockroaches are among the most repulsive and disgusting insects. They are one of the most unpleasant visitors to our home and we always do our best to drive them away whenever we see them. So if you want to get rid of cockroaches, follow these tips.

Eucalyptus leaves

The leaves of this fragrant European tree are excellent repellents for cockroaches. All you have to do is rub them and leave them in places where these insects roam at night. You obviously need to clean those parts first to make sure this works.

Baking soda and sugar

Baking soda to the rescue once again! You will be able to get rid of cockroaches if you mix one cup of this product with one cup of sugar and sprinkle the mixture around the house. The explanation is simple: sugar attracts them and baking soda causes deadly gases.

Citronella to get rid of cockroaches without insecticides

This is an extremely effective plant not only to repel cockroaches but also mosquitoes and other insects. You just need to follow the steps below:


Borax is used for many things, including repelling insects such as cockroaches. You just have to spread it around the places where these insects roam. When they touch it, they dehydrate and die.


via: Enimerotiko