A sweet miracle! A baby was born that was frozen as a fetus… 25 years ago!

ImageHandler Incredible, EMBRYO, USA, Freezer, BABY

It is the longest frozen fetus in world history that was successfully developed and born.

A woman in the USA gave birth to a baby a few days ago, which was frozen as a fetus about 25 years ago.

It is the longest frozen fetus in world history that was successfully developed and born.

The fetus has been in cryopreservation since October 1992 and was born in late November to a 26-year-old from East Tennessee.

The woman was 18 months old when the fetus was frozen.

The thawing took place in March and then transferred to the 26-year-old. "Emma is such a sweet miracle. "I think it is too perfect to be frozen all these years," said the baby's father.


Source: ant1iwo.com