Stavros Xenidis married the same woman twice, 20 years apart

The love story of the great actor with his colleague Margarita Lambrinou

wwkewn 000 1312x819 1 WEDDING, greek cinema, Actor, Stavros Xenidis

"Fate is impossible to leave" and in his life Stavrou Xenidis seems to have found full application. If, indeed, destiny is written for every human being, then they are doomed to become whatever obstacles appear in the course of life.

Somehow, after all, this happened in the life of the great actress. An artist who shone as a supporting actor in Greek cinema, setting the example, but also proving that in order to become a protagonist in the heart of the public, it is not always necessary to be the first name on the eaves.

But let's go to the fate of what was written, which she probably intended from the beginning to deal with the actress, but also to spend his life with a specific woman, Margarita Lambrinou. He also married the actress twice - 20 years apart - and they stayed together until the end of his life, in 2008.

wWkewn 1 WEDDING, greek cinema, Actor, Stavros Xenidis

Stavros Xenidis saw the first light of life in Istanbul, on March 8, 1923. His father was born in Ankara and worked as a gynecologist in Polis, while his mother was from Caesarea. Four years later, the Xenidis family decided to take the refugee route and come to Athens in 1927.

Initially, they settled in Koukaki, while later they moved to New Philadelphia, where the actor grew up carefree. He went to school while attending school in Leontio with difficulty in the last class, after the German occupation. When he graduated, he started working as a clerk in a department store.

A good job and with prospects to get even your own business. But he was not interested in himself, since he knew from a young age what he wanted to do in his life: to become an actor. Of course, as has happened in many cases of artists, his family and especially his father did not even want to hear about the plans of their only child to become a playwright.

But Stavros Xenidis was determined to follow his dream. So he went and secretly enrolled at the Charles Kun Drama School. He made his theatrical debut on October 44 in the play "At the Bottom", but the season was not completed due to the December Games.

wWkewn 2 WEDDING, greek cinema, Actor, Stavros Xenidis

And two years later, the army came and put a brake on it. And not only that, but it served for 4 whole years. The reason; As he explained: "The soldiers were gradually fired so as not to create a social problem. I was one of the last, because as a storekeeper I had to deliver. "

And after completing his term, he returns full of dreams and plans for his future. And despite all the obstacles - small or large - found in his journey, he was determined to follow his dream in acting. And somewhere there, his collaboration began at the Mousouri Theater. A course that he wrote for many years, specifically 25, while Xenidis himself had characterized his contact with Mousouris as "the happiest, theatrically, period of his life".

A few years later, in 1954, "The Beauty of Athens" made its debut on the big screen in the film. Since then, he has served both the theater and him Greek cinema with faith and devotion. And he may have been in second roles, but he always managed to stand out. And stay in the consciousness of the world.

It could be the story of a novel. Or the script of a romantic movie. In any case, the love story of Stavros Xenidis with his wife Margarita Lambrinou is touching and from what you say… destiny is impossible to leave. After all, the two of them were destined to be together, against the obstacles that life posed.

wWkewn 3 WEDDING, greek cinema, Actor, Stavros Xenidis

The two married in 1955, but for reasons only they knew, they divorced a year later. And 20 years later, their paths met again. Xenidis and Lambrinou said to give their love a second chance, deciding to remarry.

More mature, confident in their feelings and wants, they reunited his lives. And they stayed together, inseparable and loved until November 2008, when the beloved actor passed away.

They spent the last years of their life together Athens Nursing Home. Stavros Xenidis, after suffering a stroke, his health deteriorated a lot, he needed help and so the beloved couple went through the door of the Nursing Home.

