All five mothers in the world feel these five guilt

Who said motherhood is an easy task? Raising a child has many difficulties for one


Who said motherhood is an easy task? Raising a child has many difficulties and for a mom it is a daily struggle. In addition, in this struggle they are faced with various guilt that floods their minds and even their souls, creating additional stress.

But what are the most common guilt a mom feels? See below:

1. "I do not spend much time with my child"

The rhythms of everyday life and the need for many hours of work make mothers feel guilty about leaving the child with someone else to take care of him. Just try to find a balance between work life and family moments and remember that you are doing your best to offer as much as possible to your child.

2. "My child watches a lot of TV"

A common guilt of moms who think they are exposing their child to many dangers with television. You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo. So let your child watch his favorite program and then turn off the TV to do something else.

3. "I often fight in front of the child"

Tensions and problems in a family are inevitable. Just make sure you do not lose your temper and do not go overboard. The disagreement is logical and will happen but do not create too much tension in front of the child.

4. "I can not buy him what his friends have"

They say that the child needs love mainly and it is true. Of course, modern day life has increased the demands on needs and games, but this does not need to fill you with guilt. After all, it is not ideal to learn that he can get what he wants.

5. "I'm not a good mom"

This is the most common guilt. There is not a single mom who even once did not feel that way. They got to the point of blaming themselves for not being a good mom. Especially, when in a fight or when you do not do to the child what he wants and he says to you: "you are not a good mom", you feel your world falling apart and all the guilt you wonder if such a thing is true. But for the latter, mainly, keep in mind that when your child says "you are not a good mom", it means that you are doing something well.
