The most common foot problems and how to deal with them

When your feet are unsightly and have some problems, sandals in the summer are a fear. However, for each


When your feet are unsightly and have some problems, sandals in the summer are a fear. However, in any case, the best treatment is to treat the problem properly and in a timely manner, before it progresses, experts say. See what you can do, depending on the problem.


The problem: Suddenly, your shoes don't make you and a local thickening of the skin near your big toe is detected. Needless to say, it really hurts.

How to fix it: You must wear comfortable shoes with wide soles and apply ice packs on your feet. If that doesn't help, see your doctor and he or she may suggest a cortisone injection that will provide relief.

How to prevent it: Limit the pressure on your feet caused by tight, tight shoes that hold the toes together. Some types of legs, with low arches, flat feet and loose joints and tendons, are more prone to calluses. So pay attention to your feet and talk to your doctor if you feel there is a problem.


The problem: Ants are a lump that usually appears on the hands and feet. They usually have the shape of a cauliflower or are presented as black dots.

They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are more common on the feet than on the hands.

How to fix it: Treated with topical preparations or cryocoagulation ..

How to prevent it: It is always recommended to protect your feet with shoes in public places, including locker rooms and swimming pools.


The problem: Your nail curves inwards and the skin is swollen, sore and tender to the touch. Sometimes it is because the shape of the nails is curved or because of an injury.

How to fix it: Under no circumstances remove the part of the nail that grows inwards on its own. It's something only a dermatologist can do right.

How to prevent it: Keep your nails groomed, but not too close, and wear sneakers when exercising.

Unpleasant smell

The problem: Your feet are constantly sticky and the stench doesn't tell you to leave.

How to fix it: Make sure you really use a good soap, ideal for the feet.

How to prevent it: Keep your feet clean and use talcum powder.
