The clever bay with vegetables in the middle of quarantine

The rapid spread of the coronavirus and the strict measures taken by staying at home in order to protect them

anakalypste ta laxanika aspida prostasias apo ton karkino gulf, Corona virus, vegetables

svg% 3E bay, Coronavirus, vegetables

The rapid spread of the coronavirus and the strict measures that have been taken by staying at home in order to protect ourselves and those around us, has changed our daily lives. Although panic in this case is the worst counselor, there are many who flock to the supermarkets, creating congestion.

Experts stress that we must limit our travels outside the home, strictly to what is necessary. In fact, they advise that in order to limit our frequent visits to supermarkets, to buy food that we need for the days we are in quarantine.

And among the purchases we have to make, are vegetables and fruits, essential foods in our daily diet. However, there is the simple question: how will vegetables be preserved for so many days?

Experts suggest buying raw vegetables and fruits, as they are more durable. Choose the most mature ones for the first days of staying at home.

Also, another secret to keep more vegetables in the fridge, is to put kitchen paper in the vegetable drawers. It absorbs moisture and does not allow fruits and vegetables to rot quickly.
