Three habits that cause hair loss and do not cross your mind

Hair loss is a very common phenomenon in men and women and occurs more often at certain times of the year. Usually

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Hair loss is a very common phenomenon in men and women and occurs more often at certain times of the year. It is usually observed in brushing the hair as you see a lot of hair falling out when you comb it.

Many times, this is aggravated by some mistakes we make in everyday life and increase hair loss.

See three of them…

Bathing with very hot water, almost hot

When we wash our hair, the water should be lukewarm and not hot as the latter opens the hair pores too much resulting in all the chemical ingredients of the hair products drying out.

Very common hairstyle

We should comb our hair after the bath and when it is wet. The reason is that brushing and combing dry and tangled hair breaks and weakens the hair.

Continuous grip with rubber band

It is advisable to avoid constantly grabbing your hair with a rubber band as this will break the hair and create scissors. Prefer something like a clipper that does not bother the hair and keeps the hair away from the face.
