Coronavirus: The work you need to do to protect yourself at home

These days we all stay at home, as part of measures to protect and limit its spread

thehomeissue skoni02 2 housework, KORONIOS

svg% 3E housework, KORONIOS

These days we all stay at home, as part of measures to protect and limit the spread of coronavirus. However, the fact that we live in the house does not mean that we are completely protected from the virus and we do not need to take the necessary protection measures. Especially when there is someone out there at home because of their job.

The Maids page lists what exactly we need to do every day or very often at home and what are the necessary moves in daily work to better protect ourselves from the virus. See below what jobs you need to do per room:

In the kitchen:

Wash the sink daily and thoroughly. The tap as well as the siphons.

Disinfect areas that you constantly touch, such as cabinets, refrigerator handles, kitchen buttons, and cutting boards. As well as wooden surfaces.

In the bathroom:

Wash the toothbrushes thoroughly after and before each use, as well as the glass in which you place them. Be careful not to drip water from the toothbrushes in the glass, because this way germs and bacteria will grow.

Wash the bathroom often, and disinfect the basin. If possible after each use.

If the shower curtain fits in the washing machine, it is advisable to wash it as well.

In the other rooms:

Change sheets and pillowcases more often.

Ventilate the covers daily.

Wipe and mop the floor daily.

Frequently disinfect the dirtiest parts of the house during the day, such as the keyboard, remote control, switches, knobs, telephone.
