AKEL: Supports the candidacy of Michalis Zouvanis for the Mayorship of the Municipality of Paralimni - Deryneia

AKEL Famagusta supports the candidacy of Dr. Michalis Zouvanis

Screenshot 6 5 exclusive, AKEL, Deryneia, Local Government Elections, PARALIMNI

AKEL Famagusta supports the candidacy of Dr. Michalis Zouvanis for the Municipality of the Municipality of Paralimni - Deryneia

This announcement:

The Provincial Committee of AKEL Famagusta announces its support for the independent candidacy of Dr. Michalis Zouvanis for the Municipality of the Municipality of Paralimni Deryneia.
Michalis Zouvanis was born and raised in Paralimni and works as a doctor at the Leto Private Hospital in Paralimni. He studied Medicine in Germany and specialized in Internal Pathology, Endocrinology-Diabetes and Metabolism. He is the President of the Diabetes Society of Cyprus.
Michalis Zouvanis is the man who, with collegiality and honesty, can lead the new Municipality of Paralimni, Deryneia, Frenaros and Acheritos, to develop into a modern Municipality with the citizen at the center. Aiming at the progress and development of all municipal apartments and the well-being of all residents, Michalis Zouvanis will be the Mayor who will lead the Municipality of Paralimni - Deryneia into the new era.