Dr. Adamos Hatzipanagis "If your child is ill with these symptoms, keep the house"


Dr. Adamos Hatzipanagis gives advice on the coronary artery on the occasion of the increased daily interest of several fellow citizens.


  1. If you, with or without your child, have traveled to areas where infection has been reported or if you have come into direct contact with people who are positive for nCov-19, immediately pay your personal pediatrician and PREVENT YOUR HOME in voluntary isolation.
  2. If you have any doubts about the possibility of your child being infected, DO NOT bring it to your pediatrician's office. Contact him by phone and DO NOT TRANSFER your child to the nearest Emergency Department but call 1420.
  3. Clean your HANDS regularly and advise your child to wash them also using soap and water for about 20 seconds. If there is no soap, use alcohol gel (with at least 60% alcohol).
  4. Apply the RULES recommended for any type of flu or similar infection: in particular, it is recommended to keep a distance of about 1 meter from people who are coughing, sneezing or have a fever.
  5. If your child has a fever, cough, and other cold symptoms, HOLD THE HOUSE, away from school and other activities or busy areas, until he or she is fully recovered. DO NOT USE PHARMACIES without special information.
  6. TRY your child how to cough or sneeze, turning his head to the shoulder or the inside of his elbow.
  7. MAKE your home clean by using alcohol solutions or chlorine solutions, with increased attention to games, especially if they are shared with other children.
  8. Wear MASK only if you are sick, if you have flu or cold symptoms, especially if you have a baby or very young children at home.
  9. REMOVE used masks and personal paper towels in a closed container or bag.
  10. Do not hesitate to ask your pediatrician for further information.
