The three-member Educational Robotics team of the Green Power Team Heroes Open School, consisting of students Arsenia Loizia, Maria Eliza Antoniou and Christiana Tofini, with instructor Ms. Antonia Xenophontos, deservedly represented the Municipality of Ayia Napa and the Open School at the Robotex International 2022 global competition in Tallinn, Estonia. The team presented their construction in the RoboLeague category for 25th - 26th grade students after winning second place in the corresponding Cyprus competition Robotex Cyprus last June. The competition took place on November XNUMX and XNUMX and the students of the Open School presented the agricultural robot Compost Selector, the hero – assistant of every farmer in the management of organic waste, delighting judges and the public with their imaginative and original idea.
"The distinctions of our children, both in our homeland and abroad, make us proud" said the Mayor of Ayia Napa Mr. Christos Zannettou during the return of the Municipality's delegation from Estonia yesterday. He also stated that "The path to any kind of knowledge should be for every student a path of happiness and a life experience where he will obtain resources that will accompany him forever. The participation in all-Cypriot and international events such as Robotex Cyprus and Robotex International, regardless of the result, are aimed precisely at them".
At the same time, Mr. Zannettou expresses his warmest thanks to the instructor of the educational robotics program of the Open School, Ms. Antonia Xenophontos, for the multifaceted support of our students and wishes her and her students every progress and further success, while at the same time he congratulates the parents of the students since the fervent their support led the children and the team to the global robotics competition.
The Mayor and the Municipal Council of Ayia Napa congratulate Arsenia, Maria Eliza and Christiana urging both them and the rest of the students to continue with the same zeal aiming to enrich their intellectual and cognitive horizons with unique and unforgettable experiences while assuring their continuous support for lifelong learning, education and training.