Famagusta District: Kidney patients abstain from dialysis - Problems of understaffing

"As a province of Famagusta we are neglected - Staffing of medical and nursing staff"

2d98e3c645368dff3c7441bb6f09e5b3 Μονάδα αιμοκάθαρσης, Νεφροπαθείς

The dialysis patients of the Famagusta General Hospital are refraining from their treatments next Wednesday at 7:10.

According to the representative of the unit of dialysis of Famagusta province George Kkezos in Famagusta.News, have sent 2 more letters to which the authorities did not respond, as a result of which they abstained from their treatment in order to fulfill their requests.

As their letter:

The hemodialysis patients GN Famagusta decided that on 2/12/20 at 7:10 on Wednesday all hemodialysis patients will abstain from our treatment as a sign of protest for the serious problems presented by our unit.

1) Absence of doctors in the afternoons, weekends and holidays. Hemodialysis is performed in the presence of only nursing staff. It is available from 14 August 2020 ready by the 2 doctors of the unit for on call without any answer.

2) The unit has been staffed by nursing staff for quite some time. Instead, the administration decided to move two nurses from our unit to covid-19. And be replaced by Larnaca nurses. We do not accept this situation because it is done deliberately by the Larnaca administration.

3) As a province we are indignant and neglected. The Larnaca Administration sent us a patient with covid-19. We can not accept her due to non-night shift, absence of a doctor after 2:30 and due to inadequate infrastructure. There is a risk for us 50 dialysis patients.

If our requests are not accepted we will abstain from our treatment indefinitely.
