MOKAS announcement for a letter by Andreas Pittatzis

7fa978b549c74f5e1d3ffdfda751e26e Αντρέας Πιττάτζιης, διαβατήρια, ΜΟΚΑΣ

MOKAS issued an announcement regarding the complaint submitted by the lawyer Andreas Pittatzis.

This announcement:

"In relation to the recent journalistic revelations by Al Jazeera, the Anti-Concealment Crime Unit (MOKAS) of the Legal Service, wishes to clarify, in relation to the letter from the law firm of George F. Pittatzis D.E.P.E. dated 29.10.2019, that its content was such that not only did it not disclose any financial transaction, but there was also no object that the Unit has jurisdiction under the Law.

It is clarified that the Anti-Concealment Unit (MOKAS) has the legal competence to analyze suspicious financial transactions submitted by liable entities. In the present case, according to the content of the letter, no suspicious financial transaction was submitted.

Any issue of customer control by professionals for the provision of services, does not fall in accordance with the relevant Law, within the competencies of MOKAS. "