"Crucifixion and memory... So as not to forget, I remember...".
The above is the title of the event that will be held in the auditorium of "Xenion High School" in Paralimni, on Friday, December 2, 2022, by the Cultural workshop "Para ti Limni" of the Municipality of Paralimni and the cultural club "ANEMOESSA" of the Metropolitan Church of Agios Georgios Paralimni.
This is a tribute to two black anniversaries, as it marks 100 years since the Asia Minor Disaster and 48 years since the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, with the message being clear, since it is also the title of the event in question ""Crucifixion and memory... In order to don't forget, I remember...".
The event will also include students from Fotis Pitta Kokkinochoria High School and students from Xenion High School.
It is noted that the event is under the auspices of the Metropolitan of Constantia and Famagusta, Mr. Vasilios, as well as the Cyprus Youth Organization (ONEK).