"Peace and Freedom" High School presents Aristophanes' comedy "Peace"

Aristophanes' comedy "Peace" comes on Friday at the Sotiras Municipal Theater

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In the framework of the 35th School Theater Games, the "Peace and Freedom" Gymnasium-Lyceum of Deryneia-Sotiras stages Aristophanes' comedy "Peace".

The students will present the play on Friday, March 8, 2024, at 20:00 p.m., at the Sotiras Municipal Theater.

The play, first performed in 421 BC, deals with the theme of peace in the first phase of the Peloponnesian War. It is, however, a timeless work that transcends the local and time limits in which it was created.


The vine-grower Trygeus, tired of the war, after unsuccessful attempts to climb the heavenly throne of Zeus, decides to fly into the sky with a dung-eating beetle. Outside the palace of the gods he will meet Hermes, who will inform him that the gods, disgusted by the warlike attitude of men, have moved to another place and entrusted the supervision of human affairs to War, who has imprisoned Irene. Trygaeus calls the Chorus, consisting mainly of farmers, to free Irene.

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