Foods with less than 100 calories

to 169
to 3958

By Andris Vassilios:

If you belong to the category of those who are obsessed with looking at food labels to compare their caloric value, take a look at the list of foods below and you will definitely get healthier habits.

• 1 cup blueberries - 85 calories
Small, tasty and highly dietary, they have significant nutritional value. They are low in calories, rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.

• 1 large egg - 70 to 80 calories
Eggs contain 12% pure protein, 0.25% fat, 0.7 carbohydrates and small amounts of lecithin, cholesterol, B vitamins and enzymes. In addition, it is a good source of protein of high biological value.

• Roasted chicken leg (without the skin) - 75 calories
Chicken is considered healthier and more dietary than red meat. In terms of caloric value, white meat contains 0.9mg of iron while the darkest 1.1mg.

• 1 small baked potato - 85 calories
Potato consists of 78-80% water, 18-20% starch, 1.5-2% protein and 1% vitamins and minerals.

• 1 medium apple - 70 calories
A moderate apple provides the body with significant amounts of fiber, vitamin C, potassium and flavonoids. The fiber of the apple helps digestion and better bowel function. The flavonoids contained in high concentrations in apples have a particularly strong antioxidant effect.

• 13 almonds - 90 calories
Almonds are rich in fiber, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin E and folic acid. In addition it is a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as flavonoids.

• 3 tablespoons dried cherries - 75 calories
Dried cherries are rich in iron, antioxidants and flavonoids.

• 2 medium-sized kiwis - 95 calories
A particularly beneficial action for the body. You can consume up to 2 kiwis a day without burdening your body with unnecessary calories.

• Or cup of lean yogurt (with fruit) - 85 calories
Easy quick and healthy snack, yogurt is extremely rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. Yogurt is rich in protein, calcium, vitamin B and D.

Andri Vassiliou
Dietitian Nutritionist