6 mistakes you all make in washing clothes without knowing it!

a 75 Little Secrets
a 1390 Little Secrets

It may seem like the simplest thing in the world to put a washing machine but there are some rules you must follow for better results and clothes that will last longer! See what are the most common mistakes you make and how to correct them.

The mistakes
Mistake 1: Only separate light colors from dark colors

According to the metro of the genre, Martha Stewart, the more you separate your clothes by color, the more their colors will be preserved. Beyond the colors you can do the same with the textures. For example, wash your jeans on your own and do the same with clothes that are very dirty.

Specifically for the jeans, turn them upside down and wash them with cold water and in a light program.

Mistake 2: You are abusing the dryer

If you have the option of drying your clothes naturally from the wind and sun, then it is preferable. But if you are in a hurry use the dryer. Just be careful not to overload it and spread the clothes immediately afterwards to avoid too much wrinkling.

Mistake 3: Put the socks in the washing machine first

If you have noticed that the socks are magically lost through the washing machine, then this means that you do not place them properly. Put the socks first in the washing machine and put all the other unwashed on top.

Mistake 4: Do not leave the zipper open

Open zippers can damage sensitive clothes, so be sure to always close them when you put them in the washing machine.

Laios 5: Avoid washing brand new clothes along with other clothes

Some clothes fade so it is good to try them first in a basin with a white cloth that you are not interested in spoiling. Wash them in a basin to see if the white will take on color.

Mistake 6: Clean the filter once a year

It is good to wash your washing machine once a year. Wash the inside with a brush and then put an empty washing machine to disinfect well.

Also clean the filter especially if you notice the washing machine taking longer than usual.

Source: spirossoulis.com