He bit the police so that he would not be deported

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a 6419 News
Delayed yesterday's GULF AIR flight to Bahrain

There was a serious delay in yesterday afternoon GULF AIR flight to Bahrain. The cause was a Pakistani, Hamid Zarar, who was to be deported because he was arrested for living illegally in Cyprus. 

As soon as Zarar, who was accompanied by two police officers on board the plane, realized that he was about to be deported, he started shouting and banging his head on the seats. When the police officers tried to immobilize him, he bit one on the thumb of his right hand and on the index finger of his left hand, causing bruises on the second police officer at the same time.

The captain considered that the flight could not be carried out safely since the Pakistani was in a state of amok and for this reason he refused to be transported.

Zarar, accompanied by the police, got off the plane and was taken to the detention centers of the deported foreigners at the Aradippou Police Station. The policemen went to the Hospital where after receiving first aid they were fired.