Answer to his son Christofias: "Do not play with our pain and patience anymore"

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By Christiana Petroudi, Philologist:

Dude Christ,

As you very nicely started your article with the well-known opinion of Voltaire "I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the right your right to say it", you must know that as you can speak and express yourself freely, just as freely can someone judge you for what you say. Especially when you are the son of the former president of the Republic of Cyprus. And how much more these tragic moments that we all go through.

You told us that everything that happened (swearing and threats) to the detriment of your family, because you simply expressed your opinion, is fascism. Shut up good! That suddenly one day we woke up and we were told: "you know, the banks will not open because some people just did not do their job well and unfortunately we have to cut the hassle of a lifetime", so what is it? Many of our compatriots lost their lives, the work of a lifetime, their dreams. And we now just want to know who are the ones who could not protect us, who are the culprits, who are the donkeys of the tragedy we live in.

And we want everyone to pay zero except. So you, as the son of the president who ruled us for the last five years, who just handed over the baton to the next one, everything collapsed like a paper tower, yes, you have to be restrained and measured.

You say that we convicted Mr. Christofias before the findings of the examination committee were even released. But you did not just acquit him completely, but you are saying, my child, that maybe someone else has been ruling us for the last five years and all these signs and monsters that took place in this place do not touch him at all. Not even the infallible pope had. But who was the captain of this ship that sank overnight, and you did not even throw a lifeboat at us? I have the ability to answer me: "but of course Anastasiadis was the captain, what do you want from us".

You know there is a word somewhere in a small corner of the dictionary called "sorry" if you have ever heard anything about it. That is why I tell you, at this time when the world is weeping over the wreckage of its ruined life, which is by no means responsible, we must respect this pain and not play with it in the cheapest and most cynical way.

I say it again and let me be tedious, you are the son of the president who RULED us for the last five years and you turn around and say to us: who threw them only at communism and… hahaha what a joke, finally tie what happens to your capitalism ”. I would say childish make-up, as politely as possible, from a man who refuses to do elementary self-criticism. To say even for a moment, even the last one, “but my child I have ruled the place for the last five years, what could have been wrong and we have been destroyed? what did i do wrong to get it? ” But instead of listening to the epic now, "I leave with my head held high, how nice how good that I am a true, proud communist, pure ideologist and for all these compatriots it is the fault of the evil capitalism, it is the fault of the global economic crisis, it is the fault of neoliberalism, Anastasiadis is to blame, Giannis is to blame, Kostis is to blame, Marikkou is to blame for Lefkara. "Everyone else is to blame except the one who ruled us."

All these jokes you write, this bad joke, how do you want it to sound in people's ears, which I tell you again because I'm not sure if you understood, they lost everything in one night. Why are you immediately overshadowed by this unexpected reaction that immediately put you, your father and your whole family in the crosshairs? Why are you chasing ghosts, friend Christos, while you could only find the answer if you were looking next to you, around you. Look around you to see that nothing is the same as before, everything has changed. Inevitably, our reaction and our behavior with those who play us, who play with our pain and our intelligence has changed.

Somewhere in your article you say "We are receiving a fierce, ruthless and unjust attack from the media and consequently from citizens, that we destroyed the place". However, they do not recognize that for years we have been believing in this place our own "truth". There are, yes, many "truths". It is what is called, the subjectivity of truth. And you explain below various data from which point of view each "camp" sees them. Even if it is my dear mockery and joke. The subjectivity of truth is not an alibi in itself to acquit persons and facts. As if to tell us now that, "you know who ruled for five years, no matter how much disaster happened, we are innocent because there is the subjectivity of the truth, and if some people see it that way, we see it differently". And what about that? You want us to tell you "okay, you convinced us". Beyond and above the subjectivity of the truth there are also the objective data that if you offset them all, you end up with mathematical precision in the current tragic result. There are some objective actions that were done while others should not have been done spontaneously and in excess of money, but your father was buying a field, which brought us to today's tragedy. But you will tell me "here he did not know where Marie is, where could he have imagined that with the haircut of the Greek bonds we would lose something twice as much?" That's why you are at least provocative and vindictive when you come and ask for the change from above. Here they did not leave us our money my dear, where to find and rest to give you. So, the criminal mistakes and omissions made by your father do not acquit them, believe me with any subjectivity of the truth.

There are many more things I want to say because I am drowning in injustice, because I can no longer tolerate those who for so long did absolutely nothing to protect me but only hid so many problems under the rug following the policy of "wash them my hand ”, just to take them to the next one, Marx comes in and touches them if they did something beyond their ideology, beyond their nose I would say better. Mr. Christofias, you told us that you are a proud communist. Are you also a proud president? Mr. Christofias, the Cypriot people did not elect you then to serve your communist ideology but to serve them. Like it or not, the world we live in is capitalist and governed by the principles of capitalism, but you stubbornly did not move a single yacht out of your beliefs. That is, we played in one game (capitalism) with the rules of another game (communism). I think we lost.

They warned you, you sounded the alarm, but you closed your ears, and put ideology (the petty partisan interest I would say better) above the dire reality. A reality that required some changes to be made in time, no matter how painful they were, which of course have nothing to do with our current Waterloo, so that we can be fortified by these idiots of Brussels who set out to bleed the people this time with economic war and not with ovens. This is called a realistic policy, Mr. Christofias, and adaptability to the circumstances.

Unfortunately, this is the law of the jungle of capitalism we live in, the law of the powerful, and we should have come down a little earlier than our communist bubble. And I do not say to God to give or give land and water to this predatory gang of Brussels, just to be a little more insightful and realistic and to anticipate the events before they overtake us. The epitome of surrealism is what we live in now. Those who had to do something then and waited for the next one to come out to load them, are now complaining that this next one is going to do something. And then they tell you to stay cool. With what audacity does AKEL now ask for the change, to have ready alternatives outside the Troika, something it did not have as long as it ruled, to blame everyone and everything except itself. For all this, my dear, you accepted the justified fate of our compatriots, if you are still wondering why.

Christiana Petroudi, Philologist