"Carrot and whip" by Merkel for Turkey

CEB1 205 Angela Merkel, Germany, News, Turkey
The chancellor demanded the release of Denise Yucel

CEB1 704 Angela Merkel, Germany, News, Turkey

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said today that Germany should not allow Turkey to "move away any further", but again denounced Ankara's accusations of Nazi practices on the part of Berlin.

"As difficult as it is at the moment, it is not in our geopolitical interest, in terms of foreign policy and security, to let Turkey, a NATO partner, move further away," Merkel said. speaking to the German parliament at a time when relations between Germany and Turkey are strained.

"On the one hand there are many common European and Turkish interests and on the other deep differences between the European Union and Turkey, between Germany and Turkey. "And we are feeling this in the last few days," she added.

"In our opinion, it is worth every effort to defend German-Turkish relations, but based on our values ​​and expectations and with clarity," Merkel explained.

The German chancellor also referred to statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who accused Berlin of "Nazi practices" after the German authorities canceled "yes" protests in Germany in the run-up to the Turkish referendum. which would be attended by Turkish officials.

Merkel stressed that she was sad to hear Turkey talk about the Nazis, adding that these comparisons could not be taken seriously, while downplaying what happened in Nazi Germany. He also stressed that such comments from Turkey should stop.

At the same time, the German Chancellor demanded the release of Deniz Yucel, the German-Turkish correspondent of Die Welt, who is being held in Turkey.

Referring to Turks living in Germany, Merkel said they were part of German society, but warned that Berlin would do everything possible to ensure that intra-Turkish disputes would not be exported to Germany.

Source: newsbeast.gr