The actor Orpheus Zachos passed away

He had, among other things, embodied the role of Kimon in the movie of the 60's "Welcome to the dollar".

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The actor Orpheus Zachos passed away at the age of 87.

He had, among other things, embodied the role of Kimon in the movie of the 60's "Welcome to the dollar".

Orpheus Zachos was born in 1934. In 1957 he made his first appearance in the theater and in 1967 in the cinema. The roles he has played were typical. However, the talented actor, apart from his artistic legacy, never gave an interview and no one knew the slightest thing about his personal life.

The movie "Welcome to the dollar" was a milestone in his career, however Orpheus Zachos has starred in many other films, both in the theater and on television. "The Countess of Corfu", "O Janabetis", "The Elder", "Captain Fantis Bastouni" and many other Greek commercial films had him in the strong cast of actors.

In the movie "Welcome to the dollar" that left a mark, the only job that Kimonas (Orpheus Zachos) accepted to take on was that of prefect. For a time he had served in this office and therefore could not tolerate any other position below it.

He was also unforgettable in the role of "Stefanos" in the film "Jealousy of Kamomata" but also as a forgetful brother of Konstantaras in "Tzanabetis".