GREECE: Prisoner swallows screws and razors

His state of health remains unknown

a 20 prisoners, PRISONS
Ôï ô ôçò ÔñÞôçò áðÝäñáóáí äýï êñáôïýìåíïé áðü ôéò ÖõëáêÝò ôïõ Êïñõäáëëüõ. 2ç 2019 Éáíïõáñßïõ XNUMX. (eurokinissi / ÓôÝëéïò óßíáòéóßíáò)

An alarm was sounded in the prisons of Patras, as a prisoner swallowed screws and razors, as a result of which it was deemed necessary to transport him urgently to a hospital.

The incident happened yesterday afternoon and due to its criticality, a joint emergency transfer took place, with the participation of three external guards and police officers of OPKE and the Police Department of Western Achaia.

His state of health remains unknown.

In the meantime, according to the website, the strikes of the employees of the external guard service of the prisons of Agios Stefanos continue, reacting to the decision of the General Directorate of Anti-Crime Policy for the disengagement of the police from the extraordinary transfers.

A total of nine arrests of outside guards by police, following a lawsuit by the director of the prison for breach of duty, due to the refusal to carry out the transfer of two emergencies on Tuesday, provoked reactions.