The former golden MP N. Michos is coming out of prison

Former Golden Dawn MP Nikos Michos will be released from prison after the decision of the five-member Court of Appeals of Suspensions

134fd658ba2a9dbe177d71e34a2709c6 3 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT, prison, Chrysaugitis, Chrysi Avgi

Former Golden Dawn MP Nikos Michos will be released from prison, following the decision of the five-member Court of Appeals for Suspensions to suspend the 6-year prison sentence imposed on him for joining a criminal organization.

Despite the contrary proposal of the prosecutor who was in favor of staying in the prison of Chrysaugitis, the court decided to accept the request of Nikos Michos who will be released immediately from the Domokos prison and will be free until the second instance trial of her case. criminal activity of the Golden Dawn organization.

The convicted former MP was imposed by the Five-Member Court of Appeals the restrictive conditions of being banned from leaving the country and appearing twice a month at a police station.

The ombudsman's view was that the accused should not be released from prison as no reason other than that the convict had invoked in the Three-Member Criminal Court of Appeal, which tried the criminal organization and decided to detain him.

At the trial the applicant defendant was absent and was represented by the lawyer of Stylianos Grigoriou. According to the lawyer, his client should be given a stay of assessment as he is a cancer patient and was not allowed in the prison to undergo additional examinations to see in what state his health is. The lawyer also referred to the fact that Nikos Michos due to disc disease must be operated on immediately, while he stressed that the Golden Dawn court recognized him, and in fact only to him, the mitigation of practical remorse.

According to Mr. Grigoriou, his client has imposed, with the salaries due to work in prison, a sentence of 25 months and 18 days.

Source: RES-EAP