The daughter of a 19-year-old policeman from Mytilene who was arrested with cocaine in Hong Kong

ImageHandler 1 Drugs

The daughter of a police officer from Mytilene is 19-year-old Irini Melissaropoulou, who was arrested at the Hong Kong airport with 2,6 kilos of cocaine worth about 307.000 dollars and is currently facing the possibility of a life sentence.

According to the site lesvosnews, in Lesvos everyone talks about a very quiet girl, the daughter of one of the most consistent and honest police officers on Lesvos. In fact, according to information, the father of the 19-year-old has been shocked. He estimates that his child has fallen victim to mafia drug dealers, who took advantage of her dream to make a career in modeling. In fact, it is estimated that the most probable scenario is that the girl did not even know what she was carrying on her. Other sources make it clear that the 19-year-old's partner had the idea for a trip to Hong Kong and presented it to her as a gift.

According to an official statement from the Hong Kong Customs Service, drug trafficking is a "serious offense" punishable by "a fine of up to $ 5 million ($ 640.000) and a life sentence."

The official announcement states that the girl arrived in Hong Kong on a flight from Ethiopia with the customs officers locating the drugs in a package that she had hidden in a crypt in her backpack.

The 19-year-old was to be brought before a court on Wednesday.