Abu Dhabi: Entry into the country with only 3 doses of vaccine

New measures are taken in the United Arab Emirates against the background of the rapid spread of the Omicron variant

unnamed file abu dabi, entry, vaccination, pandemic, VARIOUS VARIATION

New measures are being taken in the United Arab Emirates against the background of the rapid spread of the Omicron variant.

According to the AP, Abu Dhabi now requires those who enter the country to have the 3rd vaccine, while at the same time a negative test of 15 days is required.

Abu Dhabi has taken stricter measures than neighboring Dubai, writes the AR and asks the residents to show the "green pass" before entering public places or government services.

The UAE prides itself on a high rate of vaccination as more than 90% of the population has been vaccinated. In December, there was a sharp drop in daily cases to be recorded a few days after a rapid deterioration due to Omicron.