The results of the investigation will be announced by the service in June and even before the Congress. According to the Pentagon, the images were taken by the navy.
For many years the American governments largely ignored reports of mysterious flying objects directed to blocked military airspace. However lately he is beginning to recognize the UFO, which the US Pentagon calls "Unspecified aerial phenomena", as true.
Although it is of course premature to speculate that these flying objects do indeed come from another planet, the US military recently confirmed the αυθεντικότητα a series of videos and photographs depicting encounters with unidentified flying objects, raising questions about what exactly the Pentagon knows about them or similar incidents.
In fact, in June the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and other services are expected to deliver unqualified reports for the UFOs in Congress while the Department of Defense is expected to look into how the Pentagon has handled the sensitive issue so far.
In fact, in the near future, even more research is expected on the issue. Here is what we know so far: In simple words, a flying object that looks or moves like any aircraft in any country.
By nature, they are surrounded by mystery and at the moment there are many more questions than answers to them unexplained phenomena.
There have been a number of "meetings" in recent years, but the military has only recently confirmed some of them. Last month, the Pentagon confirmed the authenticity of some photos and videos taken by the navy in 2019 showing triangular objects flashing. Another series of photographs shows three spherical objects flying in the sky. In April 2020, the Pentagon released three short videos showing flying objects moving at speed. After a thorough investigation, the department "The authorized release of these unqualified videos does not disclose sensitive information or systems," the U.S. military said in a statement, adding that it "does not interfere with subsequent investigations into military airspace attacks by unknown aerial elements." In 2017, one of the pilots who saw one of the unknown objects in 2004 told CNNithat he moved in ways he could not explain. "As I approached it, it accelerated rapidly south and disappeared in less than two seconds," said retired U.S. Navy pilot David Fraver. "It was extremely sharp, like a ping pong ball bouncing off a wall.
According to experts, the information that has become known about UFOs just scratching the surface of what we really know.
Last year, the Pentagon created one action group to better understand "the nature and origin of UAP".
"The Ministry of Defense and the army units take very seriously any intrusions by unauthorized aircraft in our training areas or in the designated airspace and examine any report. "This includes evaluating raids that were originally referred to as UAP when the observer could not immediately determine what he was observing," the statement said. The action team also included in its file the videos whose authenticity was confirmed last month.