He is 39 years old and has 44 children from 28 births

She divorced her husband because she did not treat her as she deserved

0C058A88 5D4D 4DA2 B1BE FFA59E7F833C world, Uganda

Mariam Nabatanji: Mariam is a woman from Uganda. She has given birth to 44 children whom she maintains and grows daily.

Many women in third world countries in Africa give birth to many children. But Mariam is an exceptional case since she has given birth not to 10 or 15 children but to 44.

Mariam, 39, among the many generations she has had, gave birth to twins in four of them, and quintuplets in three.

The difficult but pleasant life he has:

As she describes in an interview, at first she was afraid only of the idea of ​​having so many children. In one case she sought the help of doctors in order to terminate the pregnancy.
However, the doctors who examined her explained that her life would be in danger if she terminated the pregnancy.

The children's father is no longer a member of the huge family. Mariam, 34, decided to divorce her ex-husband because she was abusive and mistreated.

With so many children and without her husband by her side to help her as expected her life is quite difficult. Many people say that having 1 child is a big obligation and eats a lot of time from their life. So imagine how one can cope with 44 children. But Mariam can. She prioritizes the well-being of her children and is able to prepare them for the future.

Following is the Video for Mariam and her 44 children on twitter: