Six out of ten Germans oppose the military operation in Syria

cna ted83cf842e8d4787bec4bc55cc86b944 Germany, POLL, Syria

The majority of Germans in the US, British and French military operations against targets in Syria are opposed, according to a poll by SPIEGEL ONLINE and the Civey Institute.

59,9% reject the actions of the three countries, while only 30,8% of respondents agree. 9,3% do not express an opinion.

The poll was conducted with the participation of 4959 people after the attack.

A similar survey by SPIEGEL ONLINE and Civey after the attack on Syrian targets in 2017 had shown that 42,5% agreed with the then US company and 43,5% were against.

The biggest opposition to the operation is expressed by the supporters of the Left Party and the AfD.

69,6% of those who claim to be close to the Left Party reject the attack.

For AfD voters, the percentage is even higher: 76,3% believe that the US, British and French military intervention was not right.

Christian Democrat voters are divided: 43,3% of respondents consider the operation right while 46,2% are against.

