Wales: Grandmother τικών drug dealer had her son for "small boat"

The story of a 53-year-old woman from Cardiff, Wales looks like a movie

ade9eb8ca39bab7c21314f83a404d327 20 GRANNY, Merchant, Drugs, Wales

A 53-year-old woman from Cardiff, Wales, is being sentenced to two and a half years in prison after being convicted of drug trafficking, while as it turned out in the "operation", her son had followed her as a. Transporter.

Last Wednesday (12/1) a court in Wales found 53-year-old Julie Smith guilty of drug trafficking, as she was a cocaine user and needed a lot of money to cover her addiction. According to the judicial authorities, her son, Robbie, also participated in the "operation" set up by the 53-year-old.

Julie Smith's 23-year-old son had taken on carrier, debts, following a "significant debt" to a drug dealer. During a search of the defendants' homes, authorities found cell phone evidence that the 23-year-old had played a key role in cocaine supply.

The role of the 23-year-old, according to British media, was that of "gofer", commonplace, as his mother has been restricted from her previous conviction. The court described the crimes as "one of the most disastrous in modern society", but accepted that the 23-year-old's role in the charges was due to "wrong faith" in his mother.

Source: edaily