How "Spiderman of the 18th" saved a child hanging from a balcony (PHOTO & VIDEO)

0d3a4a61b4dd7a550e01ccbc240f3c97 France, EMMANUEL MACRON, MAMOUNDOU GASSAMA, IMMIGRANT

Immigration lessons were given by an immigrant from Mali in the center of Paris, when he selflessly saved a little girl who was hanging from a balcony.

This is Mamoudou Gassama, who while walking on the street saw the child hanging from the balcony of the 4th floor. Crowds from below had gathered in front of the building. 

Without thinking, as he later stated, he climbed from the balconies to reach the child. 

"I saw them all shouting and cars honking. I climbed and, thank God, I saved the child. I was scared when I saved the child με we went to the living room and I started to tremble, I could not stand, I had to sit "


"18th Street Spiderman"

Gassama, after the incident, is considered a hero and was nicknamed the "18th Street Spiderman". Many people congratulated him for his act and the mayor of Paris called him to thank him. 


The next day, French President Emmanuel Macron summoned him to the presidency to congratulate him and grant him citizenship. 

