Trump: If Biden is elected, he will cancel Christmas! (VIDEO)

This election battle is unprecedented

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Halloween is almost two weeks away, but Donald Trump has launched a new outburst against Joe Biden, declaring a "Christmas war", in a bizarre new line of attack against his political opponent in the run-up to the US presidential election.

During a speech in Carson, Nevada, on Sunday, Trump appeared to blame Biden for the coronavirus lockdowns.

"With Biden lockdown, the lights in Reno and Las Vegas went out," he said.

Important detail: Trump's president, so responsible for the lockdowns, is Trump himself. Biden is currently a mere politician with no government role or office.

Trump also claimed that Biden will cancel the upcoming Christmas season, if elected.
"If elected, Carson will become a ghost town and the Christmas season will be canceled," Trump said.

Important detail No. 2: Biden, if he wins the election, will not take office until January 20 - long after the Christmas period. After all, the former vice president is a Catholic who celebrates Christmas.

In the past, Trump has referred from time to time to irrelevant moments at Christmas, even in the summer, often claiming to be the one who brought back their celebration in the US.

Important detail No.3: "The celebration of Christmas has never stopped in the United States."

Watch the video here:

