Changes in the four months - In evaluation dates and percentages

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The amendments "On the Operation of Public Secondary Schools Regulations of 2020" are brought before the Plenary Session of the Parliament for voting today, Friday (31/07).

In particular, the amendments are expected to contribute to the smooth operation of schools in view of the gradual implementation of the institution of student assessment within the four months. At the same time, the evaluation of students is expected to improve compared to the previous year through the suggestions of educational organizations and organized parents.

Detailed what the regulations provide

The end of the courses for the first four months will take place on the fifth working day after the end of the Christmas holidays and not at the end of the first fortnight of December, which is valid today.

The first four months will end on the third ten days of January instead of the first fortnight thereof.
The BW four months will start from the next day of the end of the AD four month exams until the end of the promotion and dismissal exams of the B four months.
For the examined courses the grade of each four months will be determined in a proportion of 60% from the evaluation for the active participation of the student in the lesson, which is the accompanying evaluation, and in a proportion of 40% from the single written evaluation at the end of the four months.
For the non-examined courses, the grade of each four-month period will be determined based on the same percentage ratio above, but 40% will concern written written exercise lasting 45 minutes during the four-month period.
The evaluation for the active participation of the student in the lesson is done on the basis of a continuous control process that includes various alternative forms of evaluation.

What the parties will vote for

According to Offsite, two of the major parties will vote in favor of the amendments, while one of them will vote against.

Specifically, a positive vote is expected to be given by DISY and DIKO. As he stated in Offsite, Panikos Leonidou of DIKO, will vote positively for the amendments, as they themselves raised the issue and believe from their side that this way there will be better functionality in the schools.

The amendments tabled by Mr. Leonidou in detail

The differentiation of the percentages in relation to the evaluation of the examined courses, so that the percentage for the concomitant evaluation is set at 70% and not at 60% and for the unified written evaluation the percentage is set at 30% and not at 40%.
The written warning exercises in the classroom in the examined courses that concern the evaluation for the active participation of the student in the lesson should not exceed two.
The provision for the realization of a small written warning exercise in the classroom in the non-examined courses that concerns the evaluation of the active participation of the student in the course to be deleted.
On the contrary, as stated by Andreas Kafkalias, AKEL MP, for their part they will vote against the regulations for the operation of schools because they believe that the amendments contained in the Government's proposal do not change the picture of the situation. "It may be considered that problems are being solved, but many more will be created. The bottom line is that there is still huge damage to schools, parents and teachers, and that is why we will vote against them. "

What OELMEK says

For its part, OELMEK also has some reservations. As the president of OELMEK, Costas Hadjisavvas, stated to Offsite, they submitted their proposals for a long time. Our concerns continue, however we have made some suggestions. "Our concerns are focused on the fact that the central assessment will be 40%, and that the written assessments in the examined courses should be a 45-minute competition or even a small 20-minute assessment in the lesson of the day at the discretion of the teacher. While at the moment there will be an evaluation in the teacher's judgment regarding how many will be done, etc. In the non-examined courses our position is that there should be no other written examination beyond the 45-minute competition ".

Source: Offisite