If your child has 1 of the 13 symptoms do not go to school

ΤΤΤΤΤΤΤΣΓjpg scaled Coronavirus, CORONAVIRUS, symptoms, SCHOOL

The 13 symptoms that you should NOT ignore

"If your children feel sick or have suspicious symptoms, keep them at home! Contact your doctor immediately and inform the school ", the Ministry of Education advises the parents through an informative Guide issued for parents / guardians for the correct and safe attendance of the children in the schools.

In communication we had with the Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases and member of the Epidemiological Team, Dr. Maria Koliou stated that it is very important for the parents / guardians of the children to follow the instructions given by the authorities. "The Protocol is very simple and understandable. The parent should check the child daily if he has a fever, cough, diarrhea, vomiting, if he does not feel well and in general all the symptoms on the list. A mom or dad can detect these symptoms very easily. May apply a checklist for symptoms. We tried to include all the symptoms that a child can have ".

Read also: What happens if a case is detected in your child's classroom

Caution - Do not ignore the symptoms of the flu

As Dr. As many of the symptoms described in the list include the flu, "the parent in any case should contact the child's pediatrician with any symptoms that may occur."

List of clinical symptoms for daily control - The 13 points

1 47 Coronavirus, KORONIOS, symptoms, SCHOOL

We request that you check your children daily based on the list of symptoms below before they arrive at school.

It is our duty to protect our children and our fellow human beings.

Does your child have a fever (> 37.3οC in three repetitive measurements) with or without chills?
Does your child have a cough?
Does your child have difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)?
Is your child experiencing a loss of smell / taste or a disturbance in taste and smell?
Does your child have a runny nose / congestion and / or red eyes?
Does your child have myalgias?
Does your child have a payment and / or weakness?
Does your child have a headache?
Does your child have a sore throat?
Does your child have abdominal pain?
Does your child have gastrointestinal symptoms (such as nausea, vomiting and / or diarrhea)?
Does your child have a rash?
Did the child or you have close contact with a suspect or confirmed COVID-19 case in the last 14 days?

If your child has any (even one) of the above symptoms, please keep your child at home in isolation and contact the school. Then contact your personal physician / pediatrician.

Source: Offsite