Civil Servants with hidden… businesses

Hundreds of civil servants, public educators and the military own shares or participate illegally in private companies

civil servants, private companies, illegality

Under the microscope of the Parliamentary Institutions Committee, the widespread illegality observed in the state machine is on the table today, where hundreds of civil servants, public educators and the military hold shares or participate in corporate boards or are directors of private companies without securing it. required license. It should be noted that this license is granted by the ministers only in cases where its issuance serves the public interest or when the interest of the employees in the company, the cooperative or the private enterprise came by inheritance and the possession of the shares does not affects and is not incompatible with the performance of their duties.

The matter was registered for ex officio examination by all the members-members of the Committee on Institutions. At today's session, the involved state services were called in order to determine the extent of the illegality and, consequently, to find ways to deal with the specific issue from which tax evasion also arises.

The Audit Office prepared a report on the matter last April, and its findings will be reported in detail at today's meeting of the Institutions Committee. From the relevant audit carried out by the Comptroller of Companies, the Audit Office identified through its access to various government files almost 2.000 employees in the state machine who hold shares in one or more private companies or who are directors or secretaries in companies or at the same time participate in boards of directors of these companies. The Audit Office has compiled a list of names requesting disciplinary investigations. Most are civil servants and temporary workers, while there are also cases of military and teachers.

The data recently provided by "P" from the Ministry of Finance confirms the widespread illegality as in the last 10 years and specifically from 1/1/2010 to 27/8/2021 only 100 licenses were given to civil servants to participate in private companies under strict terms and conditions as follows: 48 licenses to permanent civil servants, eight licenses to indefinite civil servants and 44 licenses to educational officials.