Eleven-year-old was pulled unconscious from the sea

He was transported intubated to Makareio

asthenophoro kypros Unconscious minor, Sea, Limassol, Makareio Hospital
File image

A child who was in danger of drowning in Limassol is fighting to stay alive.

According to the Limassol Lifeguard Unit, the incident occurred around 10:15 a.m., when an eleven-year-old child, under hitherto unknown circumstances, was found at the bottom of the sea while his father was looking for him.

The boy was found by relatives and friends shortly after 10 in the morning and was immediately notified by a lifeguard, who was at the nearest lifeguard tower and was preparing to take office at 10.30.

The 11-year-old was given chest massages, while from another lifeguard tower, other lifeguards went with a defibrillator, however the boy did not regain consciousness.

He was transported by ambulance to the General Hospital of Limassol where the doctors managed to bring him back and after he was intubated he was transferred to the Makareio Hospital where he is being treated in critical condition.

According to KYPE representatives of the Limassol lifeguard unit as well as the lifeguard who was the first to go on stage, the boy seems to have been hit in the head and it is not excluded that he was injured in rocks and lost consciousness.

At the same time, lifeguards are highlighting the need for lifeboats to fill the gap of three to four kilometers observed in the area.

They note that their schedule should be revised as at 10.30 when the towers are manned, several citizens are already at sea for swimming.

Source: KYPE