Another 181 irregular immigrants from Cyprus were repatriated

Participation of the Aliens and Immigration Service in a joint forced return flight of the FRONTEX organization – 181 persons who resided illegally in Cyprus returned to their countries in the last week

metanastes Migrants, IRREGULAR MIGRANTS

A total of 181 third-country nationals, who were illegally in Cyprus, returned last week to their countries, through forced and voluntary return procedures.

Nine of the above persons returned to their country, as part of a joint forced return flight of the FRONTEX Organization, carried out last Thursday, April 25, by the Greek authorities. This flight constitutes the fifth joint forced return flight of FRONTEX, in which the Cyprus Police participates within 2024.

It is worth noting that from the beginning of 2024, until today, 3763 persons, who resided illegally in Cyprus, have been deported or repatriated to their countries of origin.