The lifting of measures… brings incarceration and punishments that "burn"

Parliament is called upon to approve them - First debate

astinomia koron Police, Fines, relaxation measures

On the verge of the second and third phase of relaxation Due to the good epidemiological picture of our country, the Government is taking measures to ensure that the Law on Infectious Diseases is not violated, mainly by business owners.  In essence, the Government with the Ministries of Health and Justice wants to increase the sentences provided for in the Infectious Diseases Act and awaits the approval of the House that has a say from today. 

Already the two bills that cover the new order of things, approved by the Council of Ministers and will be discussed today in the Legal Committee of the Parliament in the form of an emergency. 

According to the provisions of the bills, the increase of the extrajudicial fine will be provided in cases that business owners or managers violate Regulations and Decrees. These fines are increased to cases of recidivism, the possibility of issuing a decree is also introduced business suspension.

Savvidis: "We don't want a setback"

The increase of fines according to the Minister of Justice George Savvidis it was deemed necessary since “we could not move on to the next phases with fines of 300 euros in cases of violation by business owners of the Regulations and / or Decrees of the Ministry of Health. ”The Minister stressed that "Modifications were deemed necessary due to the pressing need for strict adherence to hygiene protocols by business owners, with the aim of protecting public health and avoiding setbacks. " 

The first bill covers the following:

Increase of the provided punishment for violations of the Law on Infectious Diseases to up to 1 year in prison and / or a fine not exceeding € 50.000. The penalty now provided is up to 6 months in prison and / or a fine not exceeding € 3.000,


(b) The Extrajudicial fine of € 300 is maintained and now the possibility of imposing an increased extrajudicial fine is imposed on a business owner or manager or any other area where economic activity is performed in relation to goods or services, in cases violations of Regulations or Decrees issued under the Insect Cleanup Act. 

In the fourth… goes for closing

According to the bills, in the case of the first violation, the extrajudicial fine will amount to € 2.000, in the case of the second violation to € 4.000 and the third to € 8.000. In the event of a fourth consecutive violation, criminal proceedings may be instituted. In the event that a criminal prosecution is instituted either after the third time or earlier if this is deemed appropriate, the prosecuting authority will be able to file an unilateral application (ex parte) with the Court for the issuance of a temporary decree suspending the operation of the business or economic activity carried out in any premises or space.

With the second bill out-of-court arrangements are amended to comply with the Law on Infectious Diseases.
