Satisfaction of President Anastasiadis for the improvement of the functions of KOAP

Received the annual report of the Organization for 2020 from Commissioner Andreas Kyprianou

imagew 25 Anastasiadis, Cyprus

The President of the Republic, Nikos Anastasiadis, expressed his satisfaction for the improvement of the functions of the Cyprus Agricultural Payments Organization, receiving the annual report of the Organization for 2020 from Commissioner Andreas Kyprianou, who expressed his belief that hectares and capital grants in early December.

President Anastasiadis, without ignoring the work produced by Mr. Kyprianou's predecessor, expressed satisfaction because in recent years the functions of the Organization have significantly improved, resulting in timely payments.

"I am glad that through your efforts there will be further improvement, so that we can meet the expectations of farmers, who are expected by most to meet loans, expenditures, modernization, etc., from the timely and prompt response." , he said.

President Anastasiadis wished every good progress progress so that KOAP achieves its goals and objectives for the benefit of the farmers. Delivering the report, Mr. Kyprianou said that the goal and purpose of KOAP is for the Agency to become one of the most complete and modern European payment agencies.

"We have already drawn up a new plan which will be based on e-government and which will have to do with the modernization, transparency and accountability of the Organization," he said.

He stated that a huge effort is being made, "and we will succeed, to pay hectare subsidies, but also capital subsidies, as well as the Covid 19 you have decided, beginning of December 2021 ".

"I am sure that with the general effort made in relation to the support of the agricultural economy, the Organization will be by your side, helper, and together we will be able to re-create a rural economy, but also to combat the phenomenon of astyphilia that has clearly "It also works with the possibility of creating new places in the countryside through the support of the agricultural economy", said Mr. Kyprianou.

According to an announcement by KOAP, the Commissioner informed the President that from 2004 until today more than € 1,86 billion were made available to farmers, an amount which was financed at a rate of over 59% (€ 1,1 billion) by European funds.

He also stated that for 2021, the total payments are expected to amount to approximately € 85 million. Around the beginning of December, hectare grants of approximately € 50 million will be paid as well as Capital Grants for Sheep and Goats of approximately € 6.6 million. which concern both the Capital Subsidy and the extraordinary national support.