The Ministry of Health informs that a total of 12,363 tests were performed today to detect the disease COVID-19.
A. Molecular examination (PCR test): Of the 12,363, 6,356 laboratory diagnoses were performed by the molecular method (PCR), with 226 new cases of the disease COVID-19, which emerged as follows:
• Out of 801 samples taken through the process of tracking contacts of already confirmed cases, 64 cases were identified.
• Out of 2,919 samples taken through private initiative, 90 cases were identified.
• From 348 samples taken from the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals, 21 cases were identified.
• Out of 137 samples taken under the program of referrals by Personal Doctors and control of special groups through the Public Health Clinics, 5 cases were identified.
• Out of 257 samples taken in the District of Limassol as part of the control of employees who fall under the exemptions for movement to and from the Districts of Limassol and Paphos, 3 cases were identified.
• Out of 919 samples taken in the District of Paphos in the context of control of employees who fall under the exemptions for movement to and from the Districts of Limassol and Paphos, 6 cases were identified.
• Out of 291 samples taken as part of the laboratory testing program carried out in nursing homes and other structures, 37 cases were identified.
In addition, laboratory tests were performed by the following programs, without case detection:
• From samples taken under the control program of students, teachers and school staff, 464 laboratory tests were performed,
• From samples taken under the immigration structures control program, 98 laboratory tests were completed,
• From samples taken during the control of passengers and repatriates, 116 laboratory diagnoses were performed,
• As part of the sampling carried out by the KOP in Associations participating in its events, the laboratory test was performed for 2 samples,
• From samples taken from the inhabitants of Kato Pyrgos Tillirias, 4 laboratory diagnoses were completed, and