The issue of early school closure has ended - Prodromou clarifies

Expired is considered the issue of early closure of schools before the Easter holidays.

d76483350bc6dad027dcbc763489b2a2 Schools, Minister of Education, MINISTER OF HEALTH

Expired is considered the issue of early closure of schools before the Easter holidays.

During yesterday's meeting of the tripartite technical committee - which consists of representatives of the Ministries of Health and Education and the Scientific Advisory Committee -, the experts, as SigmaLive mentioned in a previous issue, did not approve of the closure of schools. What is being discussed is the use of a protective mask and conducting a rapid test on primary school students as well as a tightening of the protocol.

The issues will be discussed again today (16/04) in a new session while any decisions will be made after the Easter holidays.

Commenting on the above in the First Broadcast of Radio Proto, the Minister of Education, Prodromos Prodromou, stated that no issue had been raised for early closure by the Government. "It was a rumor. "I worked for many hours to explain to reporters that the session would take place on Friday and they would have to be patient about any decisions," he explained.

Mr. Prodromou clarified that there was no proposal for early closure of schools by the Scientific Advisory Group.

"Schools continue with the same rules and protocols that we have. "The last time a similar discussion took place, (s.s. revised protocol) the result caused problems, since in some schools they applied different practices", he said.

The Minister of Education urged everyone to calm down. "We have a week before the Easter holidays. We will take advantage this week and the 15 days that the schools will not be open to think about any decisions. In the new meeting that the tripartite committee will have today, the suggestions will be examined and ideas and proposals will be promoted so that we can see the return of the students ", he noted.

What the Ministry of Education proposes, according to Mr. Prodromou, is to have a better monitoring of children at younger ages.

Source: Sigmalive